What inspired you to write the story Elaty Riaf?
One day, as I navigated the oceans of online dating, I thought about how much easier it would be if fairy godmothers were real. Then I had a pessimistic thought about the usefulness of magical godparents. That became the crux of this story.
How did you come up with the name Elaty Riaf?
Read her name from end to beginning.
Why did you choose the occupation that Elaty Riaf has? Did you do research on it or have you personally experienced it?
I have personally experienced the role of activities director and saw no reason Elaty couldn’t be in the same position. My passion for this story comes from the life lessons taught to me by the elderly people I’ve worked for.
The dating conversations were particularly humorous, especially how they tied into the rest of the Fairy Tale. How did you come up with those lines?
Many of the lines were straight out of my dating inbox. I just altered them with fairy tale references. A good use for some of those negative experiences. One I couldn’t fit in was “I want to sniff your glass slipper.”
I understand that the author of Elaty Riaf is working on a full length novel. Could you tell us a little bit about that?
I took a break from editing Gender Chasm to write “Elaty Riaf”. My novel is a new adult fiction about a girl named Frieda who tries to save her brother. The theme is Men’s Rights. In their world, the nation has been divided into two sides: one ruled by Men, and one ruled by Women.
Do you believe in the happily ever after ending?
Yes. You can live ever happily if you find someone who loves you for you and you both want to be besotted. If you have that, and the same life goals, I believe all dragons can be defeated.
One day, as I navigated the oceans of online dating, I thought about how much easier it would be if fairy godmothers were real. Then I had a pessimistic thought about the usefulness of magical godparents. That became the crux of this story.
How did you come up with the name Elaty Riaf?
Read her name from end to beginning.
Why did you choose the occupation that Elaty Riaf has? Did you do research on it or have you personally experienced it?
I have personally experienced the role of activities director and saw no reason Elaty couldn’t be in the same position. My passion for this story comes from the life lessons taught to me by the elderly people I’ve worked for.
The dating conversations were particularly humorous, especially how they tied into the rest of the Fairy Tale. How did you come up with those lines?
Many of the lines were straight out of my dating inbox. I just altered them with fairy tale references. A good use for some of those negative experiences. One I couldn’t fit in was “I want to sniff your glass slipper.”
I understand that the author of Elaty Riaf is working on a full length novel. Could you tell us a little bit about that?
I took a break from editing Gender Chasm to write “Elaty Riaf”. My novel is a new adult fiction about a girl named Frieda who tries to save her brother. The theme is Men’s Rights. In their world, the nation has been divided into two sides: one ruled by Men, and one ruled by Women.
Do you believe in the happily ever after ending?
Yes. You can live ever happily if you find someone who loves you for you and you both want to be besotted. If you have that, and the same life goals, I believe all dragons can be defeated.